which vitamin deficiency causes hair loss

Ways You're Ruining Your Hair

Hair loss is a severe problem for many women. Running your fingers through his mane or seeing a few hair strands on his hand when combing his hair can be unnerving. As such, women try different hair masks, medications, and remedies. But the first thing you have to do is find the cause of your hair loss. You might blame stress, genetics, or pollution, but vitamin deficiencies can cause hair loss.

The Derma Biotechnica Hair Strengthener is a technology that infuses vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, minerals and botanical extracts to rebuild the hair on the scalp that it needs.

Different aspects of hair loss

Before we go into more detail about the different forms of hair loss, we first need to understand how the hair growth cycle works.

Hair goes through three stages it grows, transitions, and rests to form a fully formed strand. Unfortunately, external and internal factors can disrupt the hair growth cycle at various stages, causing the hair to grow slowly or not at all.

Common types of hair loss are:Male pattern baldness (AGA):

AGA, also known as female pattern baldness or female pattern baldness, can start with a receding hairline and lead to hair loss over time.
Alopecia areata (AA):
This autoimmune disease occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks hair follicles. Hair loss can occur on the scalp, irregularly, or all over the body.
Telogenous alopecia (TE):
This temporary hair loss occurs when fewer hair follicles enter the anagen phase and more hair follicles are in the resting phase. The slow growth of new hair causes hair loss minus baldness.
Growing alopecia:
Unlike telogen hair loss, anagen hair loss occurs during the anagen phase of the hair cycle. Factors such as chemotherapy impair the hair follicle’s ability to grow hair.

Hair loss and vitamins

There are 13 essential vitamins, and deficiencies in vitamins B12 and D3 are the leading causes of hair loss. Red blood cells that carry oxygen to baby hair follicles are facilitated by vitamin B12. Also, if vitamin B12 levels are insufficient, hair follicles may be unable to grow new hair effectively. You may notice that hair loss is occurring.

Not sure what vitamin deficiencies can cause hair loss? We surveyed the scientific literature to determine which nutrients are essential for hair health.

What Causes Vitamin Deficiency?

Vitamin deficiencies can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

Avoiding various healthy foods, overeating, or dieting by cutting out entire food groups can lead to vitamin deficiencies.

Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine 2

Blood loss:
Women who suffer from menorrhagia, which causes blood loss or injuries, can develop vitamin deficiencies.
Digestive disorders:
Medical conditions that limit the absorption of nutrients B. Inflammatory bowel disease, celiac disease, or pancreatic disease can cause vitamin deficiencies.
Certain medications, such as antibiotics, acid-suppressing drugs, and some cholesterol-lowering drugs, can affect the body’s ability to absorb nutrients.
Smoking can affect the body’s ability to absorb nutrients.
Excessive alcohol consumption:
Too much alcohol can impair the liver’s ability to store and release vitamins and minerals.
Inherited diseases:
Some genetic disorders can cause vitamin deficiencies. Cystic Fibrosis. It can cause vitamin A, D, E, and K deficiency.
Environmental factors:
Exposure to toxins and pollutants such as lead and mercury can also cause vitamin deficiencies.
Eating a balanced and healthy diet is essential to get all the vitamins and minerals your body needs. However, in some cases, other factors can also cause a deficiency. If you’re concerned about your nutrient intake or noticing symptoms of a vitamin deficiency, see your doctor to determine the underlying cause and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

Vitamin D

Science explains that vitamin D is important in stimulating hair follicle growth. This is reflected in increased vitamin D receptor activity during the anagen and transition phases of the hair cycle. It is, therefore, not surprising that vitamin D deficiency is commonly associated with various hair loss conditions. Think telogen effluvium, male pattern baldness, alopecia areata, etc.

A 2018 systematic review and meta-analysis included 14 studies involving 1,255 patients with alopecia areata and 784 healthy individuals. People with alopecia were found to have significantly lower vitamin D levels than those without alopecia.

Another small study of 80 women found significantly lower vitamin D levels in women with telogen effluvium or male pattern baldness. The researchers also found that vitamin levels decreased with increased hair loss. These studies show that getting enough vitamin D from your diet is most beneficial. Think fatty fish like salmon, tuna, egg yolks, vitamin D-fortified cereals, milk, and juices. Try a vitamin D supplement to meet your daily requirements for this essential nutrient if needed. Please consult your doctor before taking dietary supplements.

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Vitamin E

A small study showed that people already suffering from thinning hair may benefit from vitamin E supplementation.

Those who took 100 milligrams of vitamins E supplements daily for eight months had a 34.5% increase in hair length, compared to a 0.1% increase in those who did not.

Researchers explained that the antioxidant properties of vitamin E help fight free radical damage and oxidative stress that characterize most types of hair loss. Of course, more research is needed in this area to prove the link between low vitamin E levels and excessive hair loss. However, this study is promising.

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B2, riboflavin, can cause hair loss if you don’t get enough. This micronutrient is necessary for many reasons, including cell development, lipid metabolism, and energy production.

Drugs, alcohol, pregnancy, and breastfeeding can affect the body’s supply. Moreover, this deficiency usually manifests as a systemic vitamin B deficiency. Health experts recommend increasing your riboflavin intake through leafy greens such as spinach, dairy products, and fatty fish.


A deficiency of vitamin B7 (or biotin) is also a common cause of hair loss.

A 2017 systematic review found that supplementation may benefit poor hair growth and brittle nails due to biotin deficiency. However, this review included only 18 case reports, so further research is needed to confirm whether biotin supplements are similarly beneficial for the general population.

Vitamin B6

Vitamins that support hair growth and vitamin B6 are one of the vitamins that play an important role in maintaining our physical and mental health by keeping hair healthy and beautiful through various mechanisms.
Other natural remedies that can have a positive effect on hair loss include nutritional supplements that support healthy hair growth and relaxation methods such as yoga and meditation.

Vitamin A

This is not necessarily a nutrient deficiency but rather an oversupply of vitamins. Excessive intake of vitamin A was associated with hair loss.

This is because while vitamin A has been shown to stimulate hair follicles in mouse and rat models, a 2012 study found that finding the right balance between hair growth and hair loss requires “the exact amount.” because it has been shown to be necessary.


Iron deficiency (with or without anemia) is one of the most notorious causes of hair loss, especially among vegans and women with heavy periods. Iron is the raw material for making hemoglobin, a protein that helps carry oxygen to all the cells in the body, including the cells of your hair follicles. A 2010 medical review emphasized that “the bulge region of the hair follicle has iron-dependent genes that may be affected by iron deficiency.” However, the review is divided on whether iron deficiency causes hair loss.

For example, a small study of 18 iron-deficient women found hair regrowth benefits after oral intake. On the other hand, another study found no significant difference in iron levels between people with and without hair loss.

If you try an iron supplement with your doctor, combine it with vitamin C for the best results. A 2019 review published in the Journal of Dermatology and Therapy explained that vitamin C enhances iron absorption in the gut, allowing for optimal absorption of minerals.
essential fatty acids
Polyunsaturated essential fatty acids can cause severe hair loss if you don’t consume enough.

This is because these fatty acids regulate the expression of androgens, male hormones associated with hair loss. Studies have also shown that arachidonic acid, a type of omega-6 fatty acid, promotes hair growth.

Do a deep conditioning treatment every few weeks
Do a deep conditioning treatment every few weeks


Selenium deficiency can also cause hair loss. A study of six infants with selenium deficiency found that oral intake improved symptoms. However, this is a very small study, and selenium deficiency usually occurs rarely in people with a balanced diet.

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