Reduce Premature Skin Aging

Reduce Premature Skin Aging

Aging is inevitable, but it can be prevented. Here are things you shouldn’t do to prevent premature skin aging. The term “premature skin aging” refers to accelerated skin aging that occurs before natural aging occurs. Premature skin aging caused by lifestyle and environmental factors is often first noticed after the damage has occurred. You cannot change the natural aging process. Over time, the skin becomes thinner and drier. But by making some changes and using Dermabiotecnica skin care products, you can influence lifestyle choices and environmentally influenced premature aging.

Signs of Premature Aging

We all get older, but premature aging progresses faster than it should. Causes are usually environmental and lifestyle factors. The most common signs of premature aging are wrinkles, blemishes, dryness, and dull skin tone. A healthy lifestyle can help stop and prevent further premature aging.

What are the signs of premature aging? Over time, our bodies naturally age. We speak of premature aging when the typical effects of aging appear early. This is when the body looks older than it actually is.

The most common signs of premature skin aging are:

  • Skin changes such as wrinkles, blemishes, dryness, loss of skin tone, pigmentation around the chest, and sagging.
  • Hair loss or gray hair.
  • Sunken face (sunken cheeks).
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What causes premature aging?

In most cases, controllable and preventable factors will cause premature aging. This is called extrinsic aging.

Most of the signs of premature aging appear on the skin. Skin changes that appear with age. When it appears early in life, its causes are usually environmental or lifestyle factors.

Exposure to light is one of the main causes of premature aging.

Sun exposure causes many skin problems. Ultraviolet (UV) light and sun exposure age your skin faster than it naturally ages. The result is known as photoaging and accounts for 90% of visible changes in the skin. UV rays damage skin cells and cause early changes such as age spots. This sun exposure also increases the risk of skin cancer.

High-energy visible light (HEV) and infrared light are responsible for the remaining 10% of skin changes. HEV light (also known as blue light) comes from the sun and electronic devices such as smartphones. Infrared is invisible, but we often feel it as heat. These forms of light do not increase the risk of skin cancer, but they do affect collagen and skin elasticity.

Factors that cause premature aging include:


When you smoke, nicotine toxins damage body cells. These toxins break down the collagen and elastic fibers in the skin, causing sagging, wrinkles, and a sagging face.

Bad Eating Habits:

Diets high in sugar and refined carbohydrates can cause premature aging. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables, on the other hand, can cause premature skin changes. Prevent.


Too much alcohol can dry out and damage your skin over time, leading to early signs of aging. Sleep poorly:

Studies show that poor (or inadequate) sleep speeds up cellular aging.

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When you’re stressed, your brain releases the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol blocks two substances that keep your skin plump and glowing.

Skin Aging Prevention

Protect your skin from the sun

Practicing sun protection not only helps prevent skin cancer and sunburn, but it also slows down skin aging. Look for shade.

Avoid Sunburns – Whether you want to tan in the sun or on a tanning bed, both emit harmful UV rays.UV rays from both the sun and tanning beds accelerate the process of skin aging. If you don’t have enough tanned skin, we recommend using a sunless self-tanner, such as a lotion or spray.

Break Bad Habits – Smoking and excessive drinking can have a negative impact on your body, especially your skin.Smoking breaks down collagen and constricts blood vessels, which accelerates skin aging. This is why smokers are more likely to wrinkle and pale their complexion sooner. Drinking too much alcohol dries out your skin and dilates your blood vessels, which usually makes you look older. Wash your face – Washing your face is important as it helps remove dirt and oil from the surface of your skin. During the day, our skin is exposed to many unwanted pollutions. As a good habit, wash your face every morning and evening with lukewarm water and a mild cleanser. Wash your face as soon as possible after sweating.

Apply moisturizer – Moisturizers lock in moisture in your skin, giving your face a youthful glow. Using a daily moisturizer after washing your face or showering can help reduce dryness and oiliness.Hot water often strips skin of healthy moisture and oils, so a moisturizer is a good choice for that. It helps repair the skin and bring out young skin cells.

Avoid repetitive facial expressions – repetitive facial expressions such as smiling, squinting, and frowning can cause wrinkles. As you repeat these expressions, the collagen in your skin begins to break down. Eventually, the skin loses its elasticity and forms fine lines and wrinkles. You can try to eliminate these expressions, but remember that they are not the only factors contributing to skin aging.

Healthy Diet – There is no one-size-fits-all diet when it comes to healthy skin. The best advice for healthy, youthful skin is to eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, healthy proteins and whole grains. Avoiding it has been shown to slow down the aging process.

Exercise Often – Did you know that exercise promotes healthier, glowing skin? When you exercise, more blood is pumped through your body, and more oxygen and nutrients circulate through your skin. Always wash off after exercise to minimize acne breakouts and itchiness.

Gentle on your skin – When you wash your face, you need to be gentle on your skin. Some people think they have to scrub to be clean, but that’s not the case. Rough handling of the skin can make it itchy, dry, red, scaly and prone to premature aging.Do not rub, use gentle cleansers and scrubs.

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Choose the right skincare products – It’s not uncommon for skincare products to irritate your skin. If your skin irritates or burns after applying skin care products, it will look old and should be removed. However, it is important to note that some anti-aging products prescribed by a dermatologist may sting or burn the skin. In this case, the doctor should be informed.

Dermabiotecnica skincare products that you can use:





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