All about Hair loss: types, cause and treatments

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Most healthy people lose up to 100 hairs per day. As part of the hair growth cycle, new strands grow and replace the ones you’ve lost. When you start to lose more hairs – and little or no regrowth – the condition is known as alopecia areata. There are several types of hair loss and it can affect adults of all genders and even children. You may lose hair on your head or on your body.

What are the types of hair loss?

Some types of it are permanent, while others are temporary. The most common types of it include:

Androgenic alopecia:
This type of hereditary pattern baldness can affect anyone (male pattern baldness or female hair loss).
Alopecia areata:
Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease that causes it from the head and trunk.
Telogen effluvium:
This type of it involves rapid hair loss over a short period of time. It usually happens a few months after your body has experienced something physically or emotionally stressful. It can also be the result of sudden hormonal changes.
Anagen Effluvium:
This very rapid hair loss is caused by certain medical treatments, such as chemotherapy.

How common is it?

Baldness (male hormone alopecia) is the most common type of it . It affects about 80 million people in the United States.
it  is one of the most common side effects of chemotherapy.

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Mechanisms of Vitamin B6 to Improve Hair Health

What are the complications of it?

Hair loss – whether temporary or permanent – ​​can be emotionally difficult for many people. Some types of it can eventually lead to baldness.
If you are experiencing a lot of loosing hair, it is important to protect your scalp. Wear a hat, scarf or other head covering when out in the sun and apply sunscreen daily. Sun exposure increases the risk of skin cancer.

How is it diagnosed?

In some cases, the cause of it is obvious, for example if you lose your hair during chemotherapy. Other times, your healthcare provider will need to do some detective work to determine the cause of it . To determine the correct diagnosis, your provider may:

• Ask about your family history, including whether anyone close to you has had it and at what age.
• Check your medical history.
• Order blood tests to evaluate thyroid function and iron levels.
• Check your scalp for signs of infection.
• Conduct a scalp biopsy to check for skin diseases.

What are the symptoms of hair loss?

Everyone experiences it in different ways, depending on the type of hair loss and its cause. Common symptoms include:

• Hair loss (typical of male pattern baldness).
• Sparse hair all over the head (characteristic of female pattern baldness).
• Loss of small patches of hair on the scalp.
• Hair loss on the scalp and body.

What causes hair loss?

it has many possible causes. The most popular include:

• Hereditary hair loss (genes you inherit from your parents).
• Fungal infections on the scalp.
• Tight hairstyles (such as braids, hair extensions or tight ponytails).
• Caring for hair that can be damaged by processing (including curling and bleaching). • Hormonal changes (such as pregnancy, childbirth or menopause).
• Medical treatment (such as chemotherapy and some medications).
• Nutritional deficiencies (especially not getting enough iron or protein).
• Stressful events (such as surgery or bereavement).
• Thyroid disease.

Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine 2
Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin, also called pyridoxine. Vitamin B6 plays an important role in protein metabolism in our body.

How is hair loss treated?

If your hair loss is the result of medications, hormonal imbalances, thyroid disease, or diet, your doctor will address the cause. Fixing the underlying problem is often all that is needed to help stop it .
Most hair loss treatments are aimed at androgenetic alopecia (male and female pattern hair loss). These treatments include:

Over-the-counter medications that you apply to your scalp (such as minoxidil or Rogaine®) are often the first line of treatment for thinning hair. The prescription oral medication (finasteride or Propecia®) is only approved for men with male pattern baldness.
Hair transplants :
During a hair transplant, your provider carefully removes hairs from the area of ​​your scalp, where the hair is thickest. The provider will then implant these strands, incorporating them into your scalp, where your hair is thinnest.
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP):
After your blood is drawn, your provider will separate the plasma. They then inject this platelet-rich plasma into your scalp. PRP treatment can help slow it and promote new hair growth.
Hair mesotherapy:
Hair mesotherapy is a treatment that is applied by injecting into the scalp a mixture of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids needed by the hair.

Dermabiotecnica Hair Strengthener treatments improve hair quality by improving the keratin structure.

Also Read: Tips to stop hair loss

Have a shiny hair
Have a shiny hair

How can I prevent it ?

You can’t prevent all types of it , but you can take steps to keep your hair healthy and minimize it. To help prevent it :

• Eat a healthy diet that includes enough calories, protein, iron and Hair and skin vitamins
• Find ways to deal with stress.
• Control thyroid disease or other medical conditions that can cause it
• Avoid tight hairstyles.
• During chemotherapy treatment, try wearing a cooling cap.

What is the prognosis (outlook) for people?

Hair loss can sometimes be a sign of an underlying disease. But hair loss itself does not pose a medical risk.
Depending on the cause of your hair loss, it can be temporary or permanent. Treatments can help people with certain types of it . For conditions like alopecia areata that can affect children as well as adults, groups can provide emotional support and even help you buy a wig or find other ways to cope.

When should I call the doctor?

You should call your healthcare provider if you experience:

• Burning, itching or irritation of the scalp.
• Excessive daily excretion.
• on the body as well as on the scalp.
• Sudden large amount of it .

Use Dermabiotecnica Hair Strengthener
Use Dermabiotecnica Hair Strengthener

What questions should I ask my doctor?

You may want to ask your healthcare provider:

• What is the cause of my hair loss?
• Do I need to change any of my current medications?
• What is the best treatment for my type of it ?
• Am I suitable for a hair transplant?
• Are there any treatments that will help me regrow my hair?

Hair loss, whatever the cause, can be emotionally difficult. Talk to your health care provider about what may be causing your hair loss. In many cases, there are effective treatments that can slow it and help stimulate new hair growth. And many people find ways to grow and feel great no matter how much or how little hair they have.

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